Lipkin, Yom Tov Lipman

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LIPKIN, YOM TOV LIPMAN (1845–1875), Russian mathematician, son of Israel Salanter (see Israel *Lipkin). In his early youth Lipkin demonstrated great interest and promise in the exact sciences, studying higher mathematics on his own. Leaving his family for Koenigsberg, he was admitted to the university there. After finishing at the Berlin Gewerbe-Akademie, he was accepted at the University in Jena, where he presented his dissertation, "Ueber die Raeumlichen Strophoiden," in 1870. Moving to St. Petersburg, he demonstrated his mechanical device for changing linear motion into circular motion, which he had previously written about in Mélanges mathématiques de l'Academie Impériale à St. Petersbourg (1870). His kinematic system was included in many Russian and foreign textbooks.


Slonimski, in: Vestnik russkikh yevreyev, nos. 17, 19 (1871); Ha-Zefirah, 22 (1874); 22, 24 (1875).