Eubel, Konrad
Conventual Franciscan historian; b. Sinning (Bavaria), Jan. 19, 1842; d. Würzburg, Feb. 5, 1923. After being ordained in 1868, he dedicated himself to historical research. In 1887 he was appointed penitentiary at St. Peter's, and during 20 years in Rome continued his historical work. His crowning achievement was his Hierarchia catholica medii aevi, a chronological listing of the popes, cardinals, and bishops of all Christianity according to the alphabetical order of the Latin names of the dioceses.
Bibliography: Works. c. eubel et al., Hierarchia Catholica medii (et recentioris) aevi: v.1, 1198–1431 (2d. ed. Münster 1913);v.2, 1431–1503 (2d. ed. Münster 1914); v.3, 1503–1600 (2d. ed. Münster 1923); v.4, 1592–1667 (Münster 1935); v.5, 1667–1730 (Padua 1952); v.6, 1730–1799 (Padua 1958); Die avignonesische Obedienz der Mendikanten-Orden (Paderborn 1900); Geschichte der kölnischen Minoriten-Ordensprovinz (Cologne 1906); ed., Geschichte der oberdeutschen Minoriten-Provinz (Würzburg 1886); ed., Bullarium Franciscanum, v.5–7 (for the years 1303–1431) (Rome 1898–1904); ed., Bullarii Franciscani epitome (Quaracchi-Florence 1908). Literature. Commentarium O.F.M. conventualium 11 (1923) 22–26. f. doelle, "Die literarische Tätigkeit des P. Konrad Eubel, O.F.M. Conv.," Franziskanische Studien 5 (Münster-Werl 1918) 307–313. r. ritzler, "Die archivalischen Quellen der 'Hierarchia catholica'," Studi e Testi 165 (Rome 1952) 51–74.
[j. j. smith]