Epiphanius, Patriarch of Constantinople

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Reigned Feb. 25, 520, to June 5, 535; d. 535. Epiphanius had previously been a syncellus in the patriarchal curia and was esteemed for his virtue and knowledge of Scripture, when he was chosen patriarch in 520 in the hope that he would collaborate with the Byzantine Emperors justin i and justinian i to foster better relations with the papacy after the acacian schism (482519). Soon after his election he sent a profession of faith to Pope hormisdas, showing clearly his adherence to the orthodox doctrine of Chalcedon. The next year he wrote to the Pope regarding the deposition of the Patriarch Paul of Antioch. On the occasion of the visit of Pope john i to Constantinople, he had the Pope preside over the celebration of the Easter Liturgy there (April 19, 526). As a result of the colloquy of the orthodox bishops with the Severians held in Constantinople in 532, he requested Pope john ii to approve the formula unus ex trinitate crucifixus ("One of the Trinity was crucified") and to condemn those who denied that Mary was truly the Mother of God.

Bibliography: v. grumel, Les Regestes des actes du patriarcat de Constantinople 1:217226. l. brÉhier, Histoire de l'église depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours 4:423442. e. stein, Histoire du Bas-Empire, ed. j. r. palanque 2:230231, 378. l. duchesne, L'Église au VI e siècle (Paris 1925) 6570.

[g. t. dennis]