Deochar, St.

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Benedictine abbot (known also as Theotker, Theutger, Dietker, Gottlieb); d. c. 832. Having been a monk at fulda, then a disciple of alcuin at the court of charle magne, Deochar retired to solitude in Haserode (later Herrieden) in Franconia. There Charlemagne built a small chapel and later a Benedictine monastery of which Deochar became the first abbot, c. 795. An authority on Scripture and the monastic rule, Deochar acted as missus regis in Regensburg (c. 80004) and participated in the translation of the relics of St. boniface to Fulda (November of 819). He headed the list of signatories to the synod of Mainz. He died at an advanced age. Most of his relics were solemnly enshrined in the church of St. Lawrence, Nuremberg, in 1316 and were brought to Eichstätt in 1854.

Feast: June 7.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum June 2:38. f. geldner, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner (Freiburg 195765) 3:234. h. heidingsfelder, Regesten der Bischöfe von Eichstätt, 1 (Erlangen 1938). m. adamski, Herrieden: Kloster, Stift und Stadt im Mittelalter bis zur Eroberung durch Ludwig den Bayern im Jahre 1316 (Kallmünz 1954). f. h. hundt, Die Urkunden des Bisthums Freising aus der Zeit der Karolinger (Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 13.1; 1877) 6972.

[m. b. ryan]