Denzinger, Heinrich Joseph

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Theologian; b. Liège, Belgium, Oct. 10, 1819; d. Würzburg, Germany, June 19, 1883. Ordained in 1844, he began teaching theology at Würzburg in 1848. He contributed to the renewal of sacred science in the 19th century by his many theological works of a positive-historical orientation. Chief among them were: Vier Bücher von der religiösen Erkenntnis (Würzburg 18561857); Ritus Orientalium, Coptorum, Syrorum et Armenorum (Würzburg 18631864). His bestknown work, used by all theologians, is the Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum. First published at Würzburg in 1854, it has passed through 36 editions, the most recent undertaken by A. Schönmetzer (Barcelona 1976).

Bibliography: j. hasenfuss, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (Freiburg 1965) 3:233234. e. mangenot, Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique (Paris 1950) 4.1:450451. l. stachel, Vernunft und Offenbarung bei H. Denzinger (dissertation; Munich 1950).

[j. beumer]