Almon or Alemeth

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ALMON or ALEMETH (Heb. עַלְמוֹן, עָלֶמֶת), levitical city in the territory of Benjamin (Josh. 21:18; i Chron. 6:45). Alemeth appears in the genealogical lists of Benjamin beside *Anathoth and Azmaveth (i Chron. 7:8; 8:36; 9:42) but it is missing in the list of Benjaminite cities in Joshua 18:21–28. Alemeth is identified with Khirbet Almit, 1 mi. (c. 2 km.) northeast of Anathoth. It was erroneously identified with Ailamon (Aijalon) on the Madaba Map which was based on a reference of Eusebius (Onom. 18:14). In the Crusader period Amieth (Alemeth) is mentioned with Aneth (Anathoth) and Farafonte (Ayn Fara).


aasor, 4 (1924), 156; Abel, Geog, 2 (1938), 242; Press, Ereẓ, 4 (1955), 730; Aharoni, Land, index.

[Michael Avi-Yonah]