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Hubli-Dharwad (hŏŏ´blē-där´väd) or Hubli-Dharwar (hŏŏ´blē-där´vär), city (1991 pop. 648,298), Karnataka (formerly Mysore) state, SW India. It is located on the main Mumbai-Bangalore railway and highway. The cities of Hubli and Dharwad, 13 mi (21 km) apart, were incorporated as one city in 1961. Dharwad is the district administrative center for a rice- and cotton-growing area. Hubli is a trade and transportation center, with cotton and silk factories, railway workshops, and a major newspaper industry. It is built around an 11th-century Hindu stone temple. Dharwad grew up around a fort thought to have been built in 1405 by an officer of the Hindu king of Vijayanagar. It was captured by the Muslims in 1685 and by the Marathas in 1753. Hyder Ali, ruler of Mysore, occupied Dharwad in 1778. It was ceded to the British in 1818. There are many colleges in the metropolitan area, making it an education center for S India.