Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse

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It was decided at the 1908 Salzburg congress on Freudian psychology to create a periodical that reflects the specialization and specificity of psychoanalysis. In 1909 the publisher F. Deuticke launched the Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen (Annals of Psychoanalytic and Psychopathological Research), a periodical specializing in psychoanalysis, the first of a series of psychoanalytic publications to appear over the following years. Eugen Bleuler and Sigmund Freud were the editors, and Carl Gustav Jung was in charge of the writing.

With the appearance of this publication, the psychoanalytic movement that had built up around the congresses and in private associations acquired an autonomous literary profile. Previously dispersed in different medical journals, psychoanalytic articles were now grouped together in a single publication and made available not only to medical circles but also to the growing lay public. The interdisciplinary interests of readers caused the Jahrbuch to publish many articles by pioneers of applied psychoanalysis, alongside more detailed case histories. Moreover, as Freud pointed out to Jung, because the audience was clearly defined, it did not need to be constantly reminded of either the foundations of psychoanalytic theory or the criticisms, and so more space could be devoted to new developments in analytic theory.

The first divisions to shatter the analytical world between 1911 and 1913 also translated into conflicts for editorial control of publications. Wilhelm Stekel took over control of the Zentralblatt für Psychanalyse, and after the resignation of Jung and Bleuler in 1914, Freud continued as the sole director of the Jahrbuch, with Karl Abraham and Eduard Hitschmann as editors.

The rupture with Jung and his followers was reflected in the new title: Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse (Annals of Psychoanalysis). The first issues of the new Jahrbuch was devoted entirely to defining the theoretical territory of psychoanalysis in relation to the positions of Carl Jung and Alfred Adler. The two works by Freud that it published"On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement" (1914a) and "On Narcissism" (1914b)defined new frontiers for psychoanalysis with polemical acuity.

In spite of this transformation of the Jahrbuch, it proved to be impossible to publish it on a regular basis. Because of the reduced number of subscribers caused by the war, Deuticke suspended publication after only one year.

Lydia Marinelli

See also: Germany.


Freud, Sigmund. (1914a). On the history of the psycho-analytic movement. SE, 14: 1-66.

. (1914b). On narcissism: An introduction. SE, 14: 67-102.

Jones, Ernest. (1953-1957). Sigmund Freud: Life and work (3 vols.). London: Hogarth.

Jung, Carl Gustav. (1947 [1954]). On the nature of the psyche. Coll. works (Vol. 8). London : Routledge & Kegan Paul.