
views updated May 11 2018

glu·te·us / ˈgloōtēəs/ (also gluteus muscle) • n. (pl. -te·i / -tēˌī/ ) any of three muscles in each buttock that move the thigh, the largest of which is the gluteus maximus.DERIVATIVES: glu·te·al / -tēəl/ adj.


views updated May 23 2018

gluteus (gloo-tee-ŭs) n. one of three paired muscles of the buttocks (g. maximus, g. medius, and g. minimus). They are responsible for movements of the thigh.
gluteal adj.


views updated Jun 27 2018

gluteus (anat.) any of the three muscles of the buttock. XVII. modL., f. Gr. gloutós rump.