
views updated May 29 2018

laud / lôd/ • v. [tr.] formal praise (a person or their achievements) highly, esp. in a public context: the obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier [as adj. , with submodifier] (lauded) her much lauded rendering of Lady Macbeth. • n. archaic praise: all glory, laud, and honor to Thee.


views updated May 18 2018

laud praise; pl. first of the day hours of the Western Church, the psalms of which end with psalms 148–50 (called collectively laudes). XIV. —OF. laude, pl. laudes— L. laudēs, pl. of laus praise.
So laud vb. XIV. — L. laudāre, laudable, laudation XV. — L. laudatory XVI. — late L.


views updated May 23 2018

laùd. Sp. form of lute.