
views updated Jun 08 2018

as·sem·ble / əˈsembəl/ • v. 1. [intr.] (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose: a crowd had assembled. ∎  [tr.] bring (people or things) together for a common purpose: he assembled the surviving members of the group for a tour. ∎  [usu. as n.] (assembling) Entomol. (of male moths) gather for mating in response to a pheromone released by a female.2. [tr.] fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object): a factory that assembled parts for trucks. ∎  Comput. translate (a program) from assembly language into machine code.


views updated May 17 2018

assemble XIII. — (O)F. assembler :- Rom. *assimulāre, f. AS- + L. simul together (cf. SIMILAR).
So assembly XIV. — OF. assemblée, sb. use of fem. pp., with ending assim. to -Y5.