Ugarte, Marcelino (1860–1929)

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Ugarte, Marcelino (1860–1929)

Marcelino Ugarte (b. 1860; d. 1929), Argentine provincial politician, one of the last of the old-regime potentates. A product of the Colegio Nacional and the law faculty of the University of Buenos Aires (from which he did not graduate), Ugarte entered Buenos Aires provincial politics in 1888 and rose to governor in 1902. His administration founded schools, built canals and railroads, opened farmlands in the south of the province, and reduced the public debt. In 1913, in the aftermath of the passage of the Sáenz Peña Law, he became a national senator. His power declined with the growth of Radical strength, however, and he resigned in 1914 to reclaim the provincial governorship. In 1916, balked by political opponents and at odds with President Hipólito Irigoyen, he withdrew to private life—a withdrawal hastened by Irigoyen's intervention in the provincial government.

See alsoSáenz Peña Law .


Debenedetti, Edith Carmen. Marcelino Ugarte: Arquetipo de caudillo conservador. La Plata: Asociación Amigos del Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Instituto Cultural, Dirección Provincial de Patrimonio Cultural, Archivo Histórico "Dr. Ricardo Levene," 2005.

Zorraquín Becú, Ricardo. Marcelino Ugarte, 1822–1872: Un jurista en la epoca de la organizacion nacional. Buenos Aires, 1954.

                                   Ronald C. Newton