Mosquera, Manuel José (1800–1853)

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Mosquera, Manuel José (1800–1853)

Manuel José Mosquera (b. 11 April 1800; d. 10 December 1853), Colombian prelate and reformer. Born in Popayán into southern Colombia's most distinguished family, he studied at its seminary until 1819. He later received his bachelor's degree and his doctorate at Quito, and was ordained in 1823. He served successively as vicar general of the diocese of Popayán (1828), a canon of the Bogotá cathedral (1829), and rector of the University of Cauca (1829–1835). A domestic prelate from 1832, Mosquera was elected archbishop of Bogotá in 1834 and assumed office in September 1835. His erudition and prideful manner combined to alienate many of his subordinates, since he demanded strict canonical behavior of them.

Mosquera revitalized the seminary (1841–1850) and sponsored the Jesuits' return to Colombia (1844). The presidency of his brother Tomás (1845–1849) further politicized his image, already compromised in Liberal eyes. The regime of the Liberal José Hilario López (1849–1953) expelled the Jesuits (May 1850), secularized tithe collections (January 1851), and ended the seminary's autonomy (January 1852). It then demanded archepiscopal acceptance of secular election of the clergy. Mosquera refused. Thereupon the Senate voted his exile (May 1852). In poor health, he left for Rome (September 1852). After visiting New York and Paris, he died in Marseilles.

See alsoMosquera, Tomás Cipriano de .


Terence B. Horgan, El arzobispo Manuel José Mosquera, reformista y pragmático (1977).

José María Arboleda Llorente, Vida del illmo: Señor Manuel José Mosquera, arzobispo de Santa Fe de Bogotá, 2 vols. (1956).

José Restrepo Posada et al., eds., Antología del ilustrísimo Señor Manuel José Mosquera, arzobispo de Bogotá y escritos sobre el mismo (1954).

Additional Bibliography

Castrillón Arboleda, Diego. Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. Bogotá: Planeta, 1994.

Lofstrom, William Lee. La vida íntima de Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, 1798–1830. Bogotá: Banco de la República, 1996.

                                        J. LeÓn Helguera

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Mosquera, Manuel José (1800–1853)

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