Córdova Rivera, Gonzalo S. (1863–1928)

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Córdova Rivera, Gonzalo S. (1863–1928)

Gonzalo S. Córdova Rivera (b. 15 July 1863; d. 13 April 1928), president of Ecuador. Born in Cuenca, Córdova Rivera completed a law degree at the Universidad de Cuenca. He served as deputy from Cañar Province from 1892 to 1897 and as governor of that province from 1898 to 1902. He was minister of the interior from 1903 to 1906. In 1912 he served as senator from Carchi Province and as vice president of the senate. He was Ecuador's minister to Chile, Argentina, and the United States in the period 1911–1913, and minister to Venezuela in 1922. He was popularly elected to the presidency in 1924. On July 9, 1925, a group of young lieutenants overthrew the Córdova government.

See alsoEcuador, Revolutions: Revolution of 1925 .


Linda Alexander Rodríguez, The Search for Public Policy: Regional Politics and Government Finances in Ecuador, 1830–1940 (1985), esp. pp. 51-52, 123-129.

Additional Bibliography

Muñoz Borrero, Eduardo. En el palacio de Cardondelet: Del presidente Flores al presidente Noboa Bejarano 1830–2002. Quito: Francisco Andrade Ortiz, F.S.C., 2002.

                         Linda Alexander Rod́riguez