
views updated May 11 2018

tur·bu·lent / ˈtərbyələnt/ • adj. characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm: the country's turbulent 20-year history her turbulent emotions. ∎  (of air or water) moving unsteadily or violently: the turbulent sea. ∎  technical of, relating to, or denoting flow of a fluid in which the velocity at any point fluctuates irregularly and there is continual mixing rather than a steady or laminar flow pattern.DERIVATIVES: tur·bu·lent·ly adv.


views updated Jun 08 2018

turbulent disorderly, unruly. XVI. — L. turbulentus, f. turbāre disturb, agitate, f. turba disturbance; see TURBID, -ULENT.