
views updated May 21 2018

Stylite (Gk., stulos, ‘pillar’). An early Christian ascetic living on top of a pillar. They were mainly located in the Middle East. These pillars varied in height and size—some of them having a small shelter. Their main preoccupation was prayer, but they also gave instruction, and participated in theological controversy. The first stylite, Simeon, was regarded as their founder. There were many stylites from the 5th to the 10th cents., after which they have become infrequent.


views updated May 29 2018

stylite an ascetic living on top of a pillar, especially in ancient or medieval Syria, Turkey, and Greece in the 5th century ad. Recorded from the mid 17th century, the word comes ultimately from ecclesiastical Greek stulos ‘pillar’.


views updated May 18 2018

stylite ascetic living on a pillar. XVII. — eccl. Gr. stūlī́tēs, f. stûlos pillar; see -ITE.

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