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i·den·ti·fy / īˈdentəˌfī/ • v. (-fies, -fied) [tr.] 1. (often be identified) establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is: the judge ordered that the girl not be identified the contact would identify himself simply as Cobra. ∎  recognize or distinguish (esp. something considered worthy of attention): a system that ensures that the student's real needs are identified.2. (identify someone/something with) associate (someone) closely with; regard (someone) as having strong links with: he was equivocal about being identified too closely with the peace movement. ∎  equate (someone or something) with: because of my upstate accent, people identified me with a homely farmer's wife. ∎  [intr.] (identify with) regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as someone else: I liked Fromm and identified with him.DERIVATIVES: i·den·ti·fi·a·ble / -ˌfīəbəl/ adj.i·den·ti·fi·a·bly / -ˌfīəblē/ adv.