
views updated May 29 2018

1. Steep slope of ground falling from one level to another in a landscaped garden.

2. The same, sloping from the bottom of a fortress wall or from the top of a trench, so that it presents a clear view for defenders and gunners.

3. Sloping upper surface of a battlement, cope, cornice, or parapet to promote the descent of rainwater.


views updated Jun 08 2018


GLACIS. A bank sloping away from a fortification in such a way as to expose the attacker to fire from the defenders. Since a considerable amount of labor is usually involved in clearing timber and grading the soil to form a glacis, it normally was found only around permanent fortifications.


views updated Jun 08 2018

glacis sloping bank, (fortif.) sloping parapet. XVII. — F., f. OF. glacier slide, f. glace ice.

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