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fa·vor / ˈfāvər/ (Brit. fa·vour) • n. 1. an attitude of approval or liking: the legislation is viewed with favor. ∎  support or advancement given as a sign of approval: a struggle for presidential favor. ∎  overgenerous preferential treatment: showing favor to one of the players. ∎  a small gift or souvenir: party favors.2. an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual: I've come to ask you a favor. ∎  (one's favors) dated used with reference to a woman allowing a man to have sexual intercourse with her: she had granted her favors to him.• v. [tr.] 1. feel or show approval or preference for. ∎  give unfairly preferential treatment to: critics argued that the policy favored the private sector. ∎  work to the advantage of: natural selection has favored bats.2. inf. resemble (a parent or relative) in facial features: she's pretty, and she favors you.3. treat (an injured limb) gently, not putting one's full weight on it: he favors his sore leg.PHRASES: do someone a favor do something for someone as an act of kindness.in favor1. meeting with approval: they were not in favor with the party.2. having or showing approval: the appeals court ruled 2-1 in favor of his extradition.in one's favor to one's advantage: events were moving in his favor.in favor of1. to be replaced by: he stepped down as leader in favor of his rival.2. to the advantage of: the final score was 25-16 in favor of Washington.

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