
views updated May 14 2018

den / den/ • n. a wild animal's lair or habitation. ∎ inf. a small, comfortable room in a house where a person can pursue an activity in private. ∎  a place where people meet in secret, typically to engage in some illicit activity. ∎  a small subdivision of a Cub Scout pack.• v. (denned, den·ning) [intr.] (of a wild animal) live in or retreat to a den.


views updated May 14 2018

den Subapical portion of the springing organ (furcula) of Collembola. A pair of dens arises from the basal manubrium and each den terminates in lamellate mucrones.


views updated Jun 11 2018


a wild beasts lair, hence, the beasts themselves.

Examples: den of foxes, 1300; of lemur; of lions, 1380; of robbers, 1860; of snakes; of thieves, 1719; of tigers, 1400; of vice.


views updated May 29 2018

den lair of a wild beast OE.; cave XIII; (Sc.) dingle XVI. OE. denn, corr. to MLG., MDu. denne low ground, OHG. tenni (G. tenne) floor, threshing-floor :- Gmc. *danjam, *danjō; rel. to DEAN 1.