
views updated May 29 2018

cov·er·age / ˈkəv(ə)rij/ • n. the extent to which something deals with or applies to something else: the grammar did not offer total coverage of the language. ∎  the treatment of an issue by the media: the program won an award for its news coverage. ∎  the amount of protection given by an insurance policy. ∎  the area reached by a particular broadcasting station or advertising medium: a network of eighty transmitters would give nationwide coverage. ∎  Football the manner in which a defender or a defensive team covers a player, an area, or a play.


views updated May 29 2018


The risks that are included in the terms of an insurance contract for protection under the policy; the amount and type of insurance.

An insurance policy provides coverage for particular losses, such as theft, fire, or accidents. The provisions of each individual policy determine the duration, extent, and nature of the coverage.

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