
views updated May 23 2018

bray / brā/ • n. [usu. in sing.] the loud, harsh cry of a donkey or mule. ∎  a sound, voice, or laugh resembling such a cry.• v. [intr.] make a loud, harsh cry or sound: he brayed with laughter. ∎  [tr.] say (something) in a loud, harsh way: vendors brayed the merits of spiced sausages [with direct speech] “Leave,” brayed a hoarse voice behind her. bray2 • v. [tr.] archaic pound or crush (something) to small pieces, typically with a pestle and mortar.


views updated May 23 2018

bray2 crush small. XIV. — AN. braier, OF. breier (mod. broyer) — Gmc. *brekan BREAK1.


views updated May 29 2018

bray1 †cry out XIII; of animals, now esp. of the ass XIV. — (O)F. braire :- Rom. *bragere, perh. of Celtic orig.