
views updated May 18 2018

bi·po·lar / bīˈpōlər/ • adj. having or relating to two poles or extremities: a sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclasses. ∎  (of a plant or animal species) of or occurring in both polar regions. ∎  (of a nerve cell) having two axons, one on either side of the cell body. ∎  Electr. (of a transistor or other device) using both positive and negative charge carriers.DERIVATIVES: bi·po·lar·i·ty / ˌbīpōˈlaritē; -pə-/ n.


views updated Jun 11 2018

bipolar (by-poh-ler) adj. (in neurology) describing a neurone (nerve cell) that has two processes extending in different directions from its cell body.