Mollino, Carlo

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Mollino, Carlo (1905–73). Italian architect. He designed the offices of the Confederazione degli Agricoltori, Cuneo (1933–4), and of the Società Ippica Torinese, Turin (1935–9— destroyed). In the latter he freely interpreted aspects of Neo-Plasticism and Rationalism with considerable verve and originality. He responded to natural landscapes with sensitivity (e.g. the cable-railway station and hotel, Lago Nero (1946–7), and the cable-railway station, Fürggen, Cervina (1950–3) ). At the Camera di Commercio, Turin (1968–73—with Alberto Galardi (1930– ) and Carlo Graffi (1925– ) ) internal columns were avoided. With others he reconstructed Alfieri's Teatro Regio (1738—destroyed 1936), the modern interior of which was constructed behind the C18 exterior.


Brino (1987);
Polano (ed.) (1989);
Jane Turner (1996)