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446. Mischievousness (See also Joke, Practical.)

  1. Ate goddess of evil and mischief. [Gk. Myth.: Parrinder, 33; Kravitz, 39]
  2. Beaver mischievous ten-year-old beset by trivial troubles. [TV: Leave It to Beaver in Terrace, II, 1819]
  3. Beg, Little Callum devilish page. [Br. Lit.: Waverley ]
  4. Brer Rabbit clever trickster. [Childrens Lit.: Uncle Remus ]
  5. Brown, Buster turn-of-the-century enfant terrible. [Comics: Horn, 145]
  6. Cercopes apelike pygmies; tried to steal Hercules weapons. [Gk. Myth.: Leach, 206]
  7. crocodile symbolizes naughtiness and chicanery. [Jewish Tradition: Jobes, 382]
  8. Dennis the Menace latter-day Buster Brown, complete with dog. [Comics: Horn, 201]
  9. Erlking elf king who works mischief on children. [Ger. Folk-lore: LLEI, I: 283]
  10. Eulenspiegel, Till legendary peasant known for his pranks. [Ger. Folklore: Benét, 325326]
  11. Finn, Huckleberry mischievous, sharp-witted boy has many adventures. [Am. Lit.: Huckleberry Finn ]
  12. Georgie Porgie kissed the girls and made them cry. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 185]
  13. Halloween (Allhallows Eve) youngsters play pranks on the neighbors. [Am. Folklore: Misc.]
  14. Junior (Red Skelton ) the mean widdle kid. [Radio: The Red Skelton Show in Buxton, 197]
  15. Katzenjammer Kids twin Teutonic terrors. [Comics: The Captain and the Kids in Horn, 156157]
  16. Lampwick archetypal juvenile delinquent leads Pinocchio astray. [Am. Cinema: Pinocchio in Disney Films, 3237]
  17. Little Rascals, The scamps unite to terrorize adults. [Am. TV: Terrace, II, 31]
  18. Merops Son misguided do-gooder. [Gk. and Rom. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 704]
  19. Moth handful of wit; Armados pretty knavish page. [Br. Lit.: Loves Labours Lost ]
  20. Nicka-Nan Night Shrove Tuesday eve when boys play tricks. [Br. Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 756]
  21. Our Gang group of children in comedy series: always into mischief. [Am. Cinema: Halliwell, 546; Am. TV: The Little Rascals in Terrace, II, 31]
  22. Pecks Bad Boy mischievous boy plays pranks on his father. [Am. Lit.: Pecks Bad Boy, Hart, 642]
  23. Peter Rabbit always ransacking farmer MacGregors patch. [Childrens Lit.: The Tale of Peter Rabbit ]
  24. pixies prank-playing fairies; mislead travelers. [Br. Folklore: Briggs, 328330]
  25. pooka wild shaggy colt that misled benighted travelers. [Br. Folklore: Briggs]
  26. Puck knavish hobgoblin who plays pranks. [Br. Folklore & Lit.: A Midsummer Nights Dream ]
  27. Rooney, Andy scatterbrained gossoon; makes trouble without trying. [Irish Lit.: Handy Andy ]
  28. Sawyer, Tom hookey-playing, imaginative lad of St. Petersburg, Missouri. [Am. Lit.: Tom Sawyer ]
  29. Stalky with his two friends, devises ingenious pranks that make life miserable for the masters of the school. [Br. Lit.: Kipling Stalky and Company ]
  30. Wag, Charlie school-skipping delinquent of penny dreadful. [Br. Lit.: Charlie Wag, the Boy Burglar, Opie, 117]