McHarg, Ian Lennox

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McHarg, Ian Lennox (1920–2001). Scots-born American landscape-architect, he founded (1963) Wallace, McHarg, Roberts, & Todd in Philadelphia, PA. Although involved mostly in urban design (e.g. Inner Harbor and Municipal Center, Baltimore, MD, and the New Town, Woodlands, Houston, TX (1970–4) ), McHarg was an important influence on the climate of awareness that recognized the damage being done to the environment by short-sighted economic and political considerations. Advocating active cooperation with Nature and a respect for ecology, his work influenced green or sustainable architecture.


Duhl (eds.) (1963);
Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, cxxviii (Feb. 1980), 132–143;
McHarg (1969, 1971);
Walker & and Simo (1994)