Shraer-Petrov, David 1936-

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Shraer-Petrov, David 1936-
(David Shrayer-Petrov)


Born January 28, 1936, in Leningrad, U.S.S.R. (now St. Petersburg, Russia); immigrated to the United States, 1987; naturalized U.S. citizen; son of Peter and Bella Shrayer; married October 9, 1962; wife's name Emilia (a librarian); children: Maxim D. Education: Attended medical school in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), U.S.S.R. (now Russia), 1959; earned Ph.D., 1966. Religion: Jewish.


Home—110 Overhill Rd., Providence, RI 02906. E-mail—[email protected].


Writer. Doctor and scientist, 1959—.


International PEN.


All-Russia Prize for poetry translation, Literaturnaia gazeta, 1977.


Kholsty (poetry; title means "Canvases"), [Moscow, Russia], 1967.

Poèziia i nauka (essays; title means "Poetry and Science"), [Moscow, Russia], 1974.

Druz??ia i teni: roman s uchastiem avtora (autobiographical novel; title means "Friends and Shadows"), Liberty Publishing House (New York, NY), 1988.

Pesnia o golubom slone: liubovnaia lirika (poetry; title means "Song about a Blue Elephant: Love Poem"), New England Publishing (Holyoke, MA), 1990.

Gerberg i Nelli: roman v dvukh knigakh (novel), GMP Poliform (Moscow, Russia), 1992.

Villa Borgeze: stikhotvoreniia (poetry; title means "Village Borghese"), New England Publishing (Holyoke, MA), 1992.

Moskva zlatoglavaia (autobiographical novel; title means "Gold-Domed Moscow"), Vestnik Information Agency (Baltimore, MD), 1993.

Propashchaia dusha: stikhotvoreniia i poemy, 1987- 1996 (poetry; title means "Lost Soul"), APKA Publishers (Providence, RI, 1997.

Frantsuzskii kottedzh: roman (novel; title means "French Cottage"), APKA Publishers (Providence, RI), 1999.

Piterskii dozh: stikhotvoreniia i poema, 1995-1998 (poetry; title means "Petersburg Doge"), Izd-vo Fonda Russkoi poezii pri uchastii al??manakha Petropol?? (St. Petersburg, Russia), 1999.

Zamok y Tystemaa (novel; title means "The Töstemaa Castle"), [Tallinn, Estonia], 2001.

Barabany sud??by (poetry; title means "Drums of Fortune"), [Moscow, Russia], 2002.

Jonah and Sarah: Jewish Stories of Russia and America, edited by son, Maxim D. Shrayer, Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, NY), 2003.

Forma liubvi (poetry; title means "Form of Love"), [Moscow, Russia], 2003.

Etei strannye russkie evrei (two novels; title means "These Strange Russian Jews"), Izd-vo Raduga (Moscow, Russia), 2004.

(Editor, with Maxim D. Shrayer, and author of introduction and commentary) Genrikh Sapgir, Stikhotvoreniia i poemy (poetry), Akademischeskii proekt (St. Petersburg, Russia), 2004.

(With Maxim D. Shrayer) Genrikh Sapgir: Klassik avangarda (title means "Genrikh Sapgir: An Avant-garde Classic"), Dmitrij Bulanin (St. Petersburg, Russia), 2004.

Contributor of poetry, short stories, and essays to periodicals, including Massachusetts Review, Midstream, Providence Journal, Salmagundi, Southwest Review, and Brown Alumni Monthly.

Shraer-Petrov's writings have been published in Croatian, French, Georgian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, and Polish.



Shraer-Petrov, David, Druz?? ia i teni: roman s uchastiem avtora, Liberty Publishing House (New York, NY), 1988.

Shraer-Petrov, David, Moskva zlatoglavaia, Vestnik Information Agency (Baltimore, MD), 1993.


Booklist, October 15, 2003, George Cohen, review of Jonah and Sarah: Jewish Stories of Russia and America, p. 392.

Shofar, spring, 2004, review of Jonah and Sarah, p. 201.

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