Auger, C.P. 1931- (Charles Peter Auger)
Auger, C.P. 1931- (Charles Peter Auger)
Born November 6, 1931, in Birmingham, England; son of Charles (an accountant) and Margaret Ivy Auger; married Jean Margaret, September 4, 1954. Ethnicity: "White British." Education: Attended grammar school in Birmingham, England. Hobbies and other interests: Cricket, growing flowers.
Home—Redditch, Worcestershire, England.
Lucas Industries, Solihull, England, research manager, 1957-88; Peter Auger Research Services, Redditch, England, information consultant, 1988—; writer.
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (fellow).
Engineering Eponyms, Library Association (London, England), 1965, 2nd edition, LA Publishing (Franklin, VA), 1975.
Use of Reports Literature, Butterworth (London, England), 1975, 2nd edition published as Information Sources in Grey Literature, Bowker (New Providence, NJ), 1989, 4th edition, Bowker-Saur (London, England), 1998.
(Editor) Information Sources in Patents, Bowker (New York, NY), 1992, 2nd edition (with Stephen R. Adams), K.G. Saur (Munich, Germany), 2006.
A History of the Bureau of Engineer Surveyors, Institution of Plant Engineers (London, England), 1992.
C.P. Auger once told CA: "All writing is hard work, but writing nonfiction is harder because opinions, statements, facts, and other data all need to be backed by sources and references, which take time to locate and verify. Furthermore it is well known that experts do not usually agree with each other. In consequence, on publication, challenges may have to be met and rebuffed. The reward is not monetary, but is simply the satisfaction of seeing one's work in print."