Boxberg, Christian Ludwig

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Boxberg, Christian Ludwig

Boxberg, Christian Ludwig, German composer; b. Sondershausen, April 24, 1670; d. Gòrlitz, Dec. 1, 1729. He studied at the Thomasschule in Leipzig, and from 1692 to 1702 was organist in Grossenhain; also was active as a librettist, composer, and singer at the Leipzig Opera. In 1702 he became organist at Ss. Peter and Paul in Gôrlitz. He wrote librettos for the operas of N.A. Strungk. His own operas include Orion (Ansbach, 1697), Die verschwiegene Treue (Ansbach, 1698), Sardanapolus (Ansbach, 1698), and Amyntas und Phyllis (Leipzig, 1700). He also composed numerous cantatas.


H. Mersmann, C.L.B. und seine Oper “Sardanapolus”Ansbach, 1698 (diss., Univ. of Berlin, 1916).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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