A Thousand Acres

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A Thousand Acres ★★ 1997 (R)

Based on Jane Smiley's Pulitzer Prizewinning novel, it's “King Lear” set on an Iowa farm. Sisters (Pfeiffer, Lange, and Leigh) discover that their father has decided to divide the family's thousandacre farm amongst the three of them. Then stranger Firth comes to town and divides Pfeiffer and Lange even further by showing an interest in both of them. Melodramatic and contrived, with every hotbutton women's issue imaginable thrown into the mix. Director Moorhouse purportedly considered removing her name from the picture. 105m/C VHS, DVD . Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Colin Firth, Jason Robards Jr., Keith Carradine, Pat Hingle, Kevin Anderson, John Carroll Lynch, Anne Pitoniak, Vyto Ruginis, Michelle Williams, Elissabeth (Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Liz) Moss; D: Jocelyn Moorhouse; W: Laura Jones; C: Tak Fujimoto; M: Richard Hartley.