Safe Harbour

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Safe Harbour ★½ Danielle Steel's Safe Harbour 2007 (PG-13)

Ophelie's (Gilbert) husband and son are killed in a plane crash and she retreats with 14yearold daughter Pip (Liberato) to a rented beach house to grieve. While walking the beach, Pip meets artist Matt (Johnson) but Ophelie is horrified that her daughter is talking to strangers until Matt introduces himself. (Naturally, he has family problems of his own to work through.) Her best friend Andrea (Staab) urges Ophelie to have a little fun with Matt but she thinks it's too soon and then she finds out a secret. It's all really nice and stilted and passionfree and Gilbert tries to use a French accent (since the character in Danielle Steel's book was French) but doesn't pull it off. 101m/C DVD . Melissa Gilbert, Brad Johnson, Rebecca Staab, Edithe Swensen, Liana Liberato, Katie Walder; D: William Corcoran; C: Curtis Petersen; M: Joey Newman. VIDEO