Rachman, Stanley Jack
RACHMAN, Stanley Jack
RACHMAN, Stanley Jack. Also writes as Jack Durac. British, b. 1934. Genres: Medicine/Health, Sciences. Career: Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, since 1983. Ed., Behaviour Research and Therapy, since 1963. Lecturer, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 1954-59; Lecturer, 1961-67, Sr. Lecturer, 1967-73, Reader, 1973-78, and Professor of Abnormal Psychology, 1978-83, University of London. Publications: (ed.) Critical Essays on Psychoanalysis, 1961; (with H.J. Eysenck) Causes and Cures of Neurosis, 1965; Phobias: Their Nature and Control 1968; (with J. Teasdale) Aversion Therapy and the Behavior Disorders, 1969; (with J. Bergold) Verhaltenstherapie bei Phobien, 1969; The Effects of Psychotherapy, 1971; The Meanings of Fear, 1974; (with C. Philips) Psychology and Medicine, 1974; (as Jack Durac) A Matter of Taste, 1976; Fear and Courage, 1978, 1990; (as Jack Durac) Wines and the Art of Tasting, 1978; (ed.) Contributions to Medical Psychology, 1979; (with G.T. Wilson) The Effects of Psychological Therapy, 1980; (with R. Hodgson) Obsessions and Compulsions, 1980; (with J. Maser) Panic: Psychological Perspectives, 1988; (with P. de Silva) Obssessive-Compulsive Disorders, 1992; (with P. de Silva) Panic Disorder, 1996; (with H.C. Philips) The Psychological Management of Pain, 1996. Address: Dept. of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1W5.