Pike, Ruth

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PIKE, Ruth

PIKE, Ruth. American, b. 1931. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics. Career: Brooklyn College (now of the City University of New York), Brooklyn, NY, lecturer in history, 1955-56; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Douglass College, instructor in history, 1955-57, instructor in European and Latin American history, 1960-61; Hunter College (now of the City University of New York), NYC, lecturer in European history, 1957-58, 1959-60, assistant professor, 1961-66, associate professor, 1966-71, professor of European and Spanish history, 1972-. Johns Hopkins University, visiting associate professor, 1969-. Publications: Enterprise and Adventure: The Genoese in Seville and the Opening of the New World, 1966; Aristocrats and Traders: Sevillian Society in the Sixteenth Century, 1972; Penal Servitude in Early Modern Spain, 1983; Linajudos and Conversos in Seville, 2000. Address: Department of History, Hunter College of the City University of New York, 695 Park Ave, New York, NY 10021, U.S.A.