Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee

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Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee ★★½ 1994

Autobiography of Mary Crow Dog (Bedard) and her coming of age during the American Indian Movement's 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee. Tangled loyalties and the battle between Native Americans and U.S. troops make for strong drama. Bedard is remarkable in her film debut. Based on the book by Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes. Filmed on location in South Dakota. 113m/C VHS . Irene Bedard, August Schellenberg, Joseph Runningfox, Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman, Tantoo Cardinal, Michael Horse, Lawrence Bayne, Nancy Parsons; D: Frank Pierson; W: Bill Kerby; C: Toyomichi Kurita; M: Richard Horowitz.