Kennedy, Kieran A.

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KENNEDY, Kieran A.

KENNEDY, Kieran A. Irish, b. 1935. Genres: Economics. Career: Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Sr. Research Officer, 1968-70, Director, 1971-96, Research Professor, 1996. Council Member, Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1973-, Honorary Treasurer, 1980-87, President, 1989-92; Executive Officer, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, Dublin, 1954-55, and the Dept. of Industry and Commerce, Dublin, 1955-58; Administrative Officer, 1958-65, and Assistant Principal Officer, 1965-68, Dept. of Finance, Dublin; Economic Consultant, Central Bank of Ireland, Dublin, 1970-71; Founder Member and Council Member, Irish Council of the European League for Economic Co-operation, 1971-83; Member, National Economic and Social Council, 1973-77; Chairman, Royal Irish Academy National Committee for Economics and Social Sciences, 1984-88; Chairman, Swiss Irish Business Association, 1988-91. Publications: Productivity and Industrial Growth: The Irish Experience, 1971; (with R. Bruton) The Irish Economy, 1975; (with B.R. Dowling) Economic Growth in Ireland: The Experience since 1947, 1975; (ed. with D. Conniffe) Employment and Unemployment Policy for Ireland, 1984; (co-author) The Economic Development of Ireland in the Twentieth Century, 1988; Facing the Unemployment Crisis in Ireland, 1993; (ed.) From Famine to Feast: Economic and Social Change in Ireland 1847-1997, 1998. Address: ESRI, 4 Burlington Rd, Dublin 4, Ireland. Online address: [email protected]

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