Gash, Jonathan

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GASH, Jonathan

GASH, Jonathan. (John Grantt). Also writes as Graham Gaunt. British, b. 1933. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense. Career: Physician: Private consultant on infectious diseases, since 1988. General practitioner, London, 1958-59; pathologist, London and Essex, 1959-62; Clinical Pathologist, Hannover and Berlin, 1962-65; Lecturer and Head of the Division of Clinical Pathology, University of Hong Kong, 1965-68; microbiologist, Hong Kong and London, 1968-71; Microbiologist, Faculty of Medicine, University of London, 1971-88. Publications: Terminus (play), 1976; The Judas Pair, 1977; Gold from Gemini, 1978, in U.S. as Gold by Gemini, 1979; The Grail Tree, 1979; Spend Game, 1980; The Vatican Rip, 1981; (as Graham Gaunt) The Incomer, 1981; Firefly Gadroon, 1982; The Sleepers of Erin, 1983; The Gondola Scam, 1983; Pearlhanger, 1985; Moonspender, 1986; Jade Woman, 1988; The Very Last Gambado, 1989; The Great California Game, 1990; The Lies of Fair Ladies, 1992; Paid and Loving Eyes, 1993; The Rich and the Profane, 1999; The Lies of Fair Ladies, 1991; Paid in Loving Eyes, 1992; The Sin Within Her Smile, 1993; The Grace in Older Women, 1994; The Possessions of a Lady, 1995; Different Women Dancing, 1996; The Rich and the Profane, 1997; Prey Dancing, 1997; A Rag, A Bone and A Hank of Hair, 1998. Address: Silver Willows, Chapel Lane, West Bergholt, Colchester, Essex CO6 3EF, England.