Christianson, Sven-Åke
CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke. Swedish, b. 1954. Genres: Psychology. Career: University of Umea, assistant professor, 1984-87, associate professor of psychology, 1987-90; University of Stockholm, associate professor, 1990-99, professor of psychology, 1999-. Consultant at Department of Neurosurgery, Umea University Hospital, 1982-96; consultant at the Swedish National Police College, 1993-; Montreal Neurological Institute/Hospital, research fellow, 1984; University of Washington and University Hospital, visiting scientist and Fulbright scholar, 1988-89. Publications: The Handbook of Emotion and Memory: Research and Theory, 1992; Traumatic Memories, 1994; Crime and Memory, 1996; Forensic Psychology, 1996; Advanced Interrogation and Interviewing Technique, 1998. Address: Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Online address: [email protected]