The Bank

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The Bank ★★½ 2001

Geeky math ematician/computer whiz Jim Doyle (Wen ham) is offered a job by unscrupulous Centrabank CEO Simon O'Reilly (LaPag lia) to set up a computer program that will predict stock market fluctuations and in crease the bank's profits. Victims of Cen trabank's drive for profits are Wayne (Rodgers) and Diane (McElhinney) Davis, who are suing the bank as a cause of a family tragedy. The two stories come to overlap when O'Reilly pressures Doyle into questionable practices to resolve the various situations. 103m/C VHS, DVD . AU Da vid Wenham, Anthony LaPaglia, Steve Rodgers, Mandy McElhinney, Mitchell Butel, Sibylla Budd; D: Robert Connolly; W: Robert Connolly; C: Tris tan Milani; M: Alan John.

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