Edwards, India (1895–1990)

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Edwards, India (1895–1990)

American political party leader. Born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1895; died in 1990; moved to Nashville, Tennessee, as a child; attended school in St. Louis, Missouri; married a man named Moffett, in 1924 (divorced 1931); married Herbert Edwards (chief of the international motion pictures division of the office of International Information and Cultural Affairs of the Department of State), in 1942; children: (first marriage) India Moffett ; John Holbrook Moffett (killed in action, 1944).

India Edwards, daughter of a suffragist, held the post of executive director of the women's division of the Democratic National Committee, succeeding Margaret Woodhouse . Following a 20-year stint as an editorial staff member of the Chicago Tribune (1915–42), Edwards joined the Democratic National Committee in 1944. During her tenure, she helped to organize a nationwide campaign to publicize the aims and importance of the UN. "It was largely through the public understanding, enthusiasm, and support aroused by such efforts as those exerted under the leadership of Mrs. [Charles W.] Tillett and Mrs. Edwards," declared the Democratic Digest, "that the charter was so promptly ratified by the United States Senate." Edwards was prominent and effective during the 1948 re-election campaign for Harry S. Truman; following his election, she successfully lobbied the president to appoint women to public office, including Georgia Neese Clark , first female treasurer of the United States, Eugenia Anderson , first female ambassador, and Perle Mesta , minister to Luxemburg.

suggested reading:

Rothe, Anna, ed. Current Biography, 1949. NY: H.W. Wilson, 1950.