Wood, Audrey (1908–1998)

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Wood, Audrey (1908–1998)

English midwife. Born Aug 19, 1908, in Cambridge, England; died Mar 21, 1998.

Trained in midwifery in Oxford; qualified as a midwife tutor (1941); served as district nursing sister and night sister, Oxford (1937–41); employed as assistant matron and midwifery tutor at Heathfield Maternity Home in Birmingham (1941) and at Royal Maternity Hospital in Belfast (until 1951); was midwifery tutor at Royal College of Midwives in London (1951–52) and the 1st graduate to serve as general secretary there (1952–70); campaigned to have a midwifery officer position appointed by the Ministry of Health; encouraged cooperation between midwives and other healthcare professionals; appointed to the expert committee on maternity care for the World Health Organization (1965); was a lifetime Quaker member and an assistant secretary of the Society of Friends' Social Responsibility Council (1971–78). Made Officer of the Order of the British Empire (1970).

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