Wolff, Victoria (1903–1992)

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Wolff, Victoria (1903–1992)

German essayist, scriptwriter, novelist, and short-story writer. Name variations: (pseudonym) Claudia Martell. Born Dec 10, 1903, in Heilbronn, Germany; died Sept 16, 1992, in Los Angeles, CA.

Contributed to Swiss and German magazines; banned from working in Germany with the rise of the Nazi Party, traveled through Europe and settled in US (1941); was a scenarist and scriptwriter for 20th Century-Fox and MGM; writings include the novels, Eine Frau wie du und ich (1932), Mutter und Tochter (1964), and Der Feuersturm (1977), and the travelogue Im Tal de Könige (In the Valley of the Kings, 1945).