Palladino, Eusapia (1854–1918)

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Palladino, Eusapia (1854–1918)

Italian spiritualistic medium. Born Jan 21, 1854, at Minervo-Murge, near Bari, Italy; died 1918; mother died just after her birth; father was assassinated by brigands (1866).

Became a nursemaid in Naples, working in a household where séances were held; began to attract attention as a powerful medium (1872), known for her presentation of movements of physical phenomena without contact and spectral appearances; over a course of 20 years (1890–1910), traveled to US, Cambridge, Paris, Warsaw and other cities to submit to tests by investigators and skeptics; for a time, deceived many noted scientists, and many of her presentations are still being explained.

See also Carrington, Eusapia Palladino and Her Phenomena.