Jellicoe, Ann (1927–)

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Jellicoe, Ann (1927–)

English playwright and director. Born Patricia Ann Jellicoe, July 15, 1927, in Middlesborough, Yorkshire, England; m. C.E. Knight-Clarke, 1950; m. Roger Mayne, 1962.

Begancareerasan actress and stage manager in repertory, also directing a number of plays; of the "New Drama" generation, wrote The Sport of My Mad Mother, The Knack, Shelley, The Giveaway, The Rising Generation, You'll Never Guess!, Clever Elsie, and A Good Thing or a Bad Thing; trans. Rosmersholm, The Lady from the Sea, and The Seagull; founded the Cockpit Theatre Club to Experiment with the Open Stage (1951); wrote screenplay for The Knack (1965) and teleplay for "Det" (1970).