Coleridge, Ethel (1883–1976)

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Coleridge, Ethel (1883–1976)

English actress. Born Jan 14, 1883, in South Molton, Devon, England; died Aug 15, 1976, in London; dau. of Henry Coleridge-Tucker and Edith Jane (Chant) Coleridge.

Made London stage debut in My Lady's Dress (1920); other plays include Milestone, If, The Balance, The Rising Generation, Fata Morgana, Thark, A Cup of Kindness, Ballyhoo, Laburnum Grove and If Four Walls Told; made film debut in Rookery Nook (1930), followed by Laburnum Grove, Penny Paradise, When We Are Married and Piece of Cake, among others.

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