Bracetti, Mariana (1840–c. 1904)

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Bracetti, Mariana (1840–c. 1904)

Puerto Rican revolutionary. Name variations: Braceti; Brazo de Oro (Golden Arm). Born in Añasco, Puerto Rico, in 1840; died around 1904 from aphasia; married second husband Manuel Rojas; married Santiago Labiosa.

With her second husband Manuel Rojas, Revolutionary leader Mariana Bracetti played an important role in the Puerto Rican insurrection against Spanish rule, known as the "Grito de Lares." The couple belonged to the Lares Revolutionary Board which was founded on February 24, 1868, and Bracetti embroidered the Banner of Lares, a symbol of the First Republic of Puerto Rico. Marianna, who aborted a baby while briefly imprisoned, was released when the Spanish granted amnesty to political prisoners.