Emecheta, Buchi: Further Reading

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Allan, Tuzyline Jita. "The Joys of Motherhood: A Study of a Problematic Womanist Aesthetic." In Womanist and Feminist Aesthetics, pp. 95-117. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1995.

Examines Emecheta's themes in comparison to Alice Walker's womanist aesthetic presented in her work The Joys of Motherhood.

Davis, Christina. "Mother and Writer: Means of Empowerment in the Work of Buchi Emecheta." Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, no. 13 (autumn 1990): 13-21.

Discusses how Emecheta empowers her female protagonists in her fiction.

Ebeogu, Afam. "Enter the Iconoclast: Buchi Emecheta and the Igbo Culture." Commonwealth: Essays and Studies 7, no. 2 (1985): 83-94.

Analyzes Emecheta's relationship to the Igbo culture and her portrayal of it in her fiction.

Emenyonu, Ernest N. "Technique and Language in Buchi Emecheta's The Bride Price, The Slave Girl, and The Joys of Motherhood." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 23, no. 1 (1988): 130-41.

Traces the development of Emecheta's technique and her use of language through The Bride Price, The Slave Girl, and The Joys of Motherhood.

Ezenwa-Ohaeto. "Tropes of Survival: Protest and Affirmation in Buchi Emecheta's Autobiography, Head above Water." In Emerging Perspectives on Buchi Emecheta, by Marie Umeh, pp. 349-66. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, Inc., 1996.

Highlights Emecheta's instinct for survival and penchant for protest that emerge throughout her autobiography Head above Water.

Frank, Katherine. "The Death of the Slave Girl: African Womanhood in the Novels of Buchi Emecheta." World Literature Written in English 21, no. 3 (autumn 1982): 476-97.

Asserts that feminist themes are present in Emecheta's novels and contends that her works portray a broad spectrum of the lives of African women.

Hunter, Eva. "'What Exactly Is Civilisation?' 'Africa', 'The West' and Gender in Buchi Emecheta's The Rape of Shavi." English Studies in Africa 37, no. 1 (1994): 47-59.

Discusses critics' differing interpretations of Emecheta as an African or feminist writer and traces her portrayal of African and colonial cultures in The Rape of Shavi.

Iyer, Lisa H. "The Second Sex Three Times Oppressed: Cultural Colonialism and Coll(i)(u)sion in Buchi Emecheta's Women." In Writing the Nation: Self and Country. The Post-Colonial Imagination, by John C. Hawley. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.

Analyzes different types of oppression from which Emecheta's heroines suffer.

Katrak, Ketu H. "Womanhood/Motherhood: Variations on a Theme in Selected Novels of Buchi Emecheta." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 22, no. 1 (1987): 159-70.

Discusses Emecheta's demystification of African motherhood in her novels.

Mezu, Rose Ure. "Buchi Emecheta's The Bride Price and The Slave Girl: A Schizoanalytic Perspective." Ariel 28, no. 1 (January 1997): 131-46.

Applies Gilles Deleuze's and Felix Guattari's theory of schizoanalysis to Buchi Emecheta's The Bride Price and The Slave Girl.

Nnoromele, Salome C. "Representing the African Woman: Subjectivity and Self in The Joys of Motherhood." Critique 43, no. 2 (winter 2002): 178-90.

Contends that many of the feminist readings of Emecheta's The Joys of Motherhood actually reinforce stereotypes of African women and offers a differing viewpoint to Nnu Ego's experience in the novel.

Oha, Obododimma. "Language and Gender Conflict in Buchi Emecheta's Second-Class Citizen." In Emerging Perspectives on Buchi Emecheta, edited by Marie Umeh, pp. 289-308. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 1996.

Analyzes the role that language plays in the gender conflict in Second-Class Citizen and Emecheta's use of rhetoric.

Solberg, Rolf. "The Woman of Black Africa, Buchi Emecheta: The Woman's Voice in the New Nigerian Novel." English Studies 64, no. 3 (June 1983): 247-62.

Examines Emecheta's conflicted feminist perspective and her representation of African women and contemporary social themes, asserting that her harsh criticism of male chauvinism is tempered by a respect for traditional African culture.

Sougou, Omar. "The Experience of an African Woman in Britain: A Reading of Buchi Emecheta's Second-Class Citizen. "In Crisis and Creativity in the New Literatures in English, by Geoffrey V. Davis and Hena Maes-Jelinek, pp. 511-21. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990.

Asserts that Emecheta's Second-Class Citizen examines issues beyond female oppression and explores the racial discrimination the narrator faces in England.

Uraizee, Joya. "Buchi Emecheta and the Politics of Gender." In Black Women Writers across Cultures, by Valentine Udoh James, James S. Etim, Melanie Marshall James, and Ambe J. Njoh, pp. 171-203. Lanham, Md.: International Scholars Publications, 2000.

Asserts that the focus of Emecheta's writing is on African patriarchal systems and how they oppress women of all classes and races.

Ward, Cynthia. "What They Told Buchi Emecheta: Oral Subjectivity and the Joys of 'Otherhood.'" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 105, no. 1 (1990): 83-97.

Discusses the oral subjectivity in Emecheta's work.


Additional coverage of Emecheta's life and career is contained in the following sources published by the Gale Group: African Writers; Black Literature Criticism Supplement; Black Writers, Vols. 2, 3; Concise Dictionary of World Literary Biography, Vol. 3; Contemporary Authors, Vols. 81-84; Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, Vols. 27, 81; Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vols. 14, 48, 128; Contemporary Novelists, Vol. 7; Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 117; DISCovering Authors Modules: Multicultural; DISCovering Authors 3.0; Encyclopedia of World Literature in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 3; Literature Resource Center; Major Twentieth-Century Writers, Eds. 1, 2; Novels for Students, Vols. 12, 14; St. James Guide to Children's Writers, Vol. 5; Something about the Author, Vol. 66; and World Literature and Its Times, Vol. 2.