
views updated May 14 2018

sa·lute / səˈloōt/ • n. a gesture of respect, homage, or polite recognition or acknowledgment, esp. one made to or by a person when arriving or departing: he raises his arms in a triumphant salute. ∎  a prescribed or specified movement, typically a raising of a hand to the head, made by a member of a military or similar force as a formal sign of respect or recognition. ∎  the discharge of a gun or guns as a formal or ceremonial sign of respect or celebration: a twenty-one-gun salute. ∎  Fencing the formal performance of certain guards or other movements by fencers before engaging.• v. [tr.] make a formal salute to: don't you usually salute a superior officer? ∎  greet: he saluted her with a smile. ∎  show or express admiration and respect for: we salute a truly great photographer.

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