
views updated May 29 2018

scrip1 / skrip/ • n. 1. a provisional certificate of money subscribed to a bank or company, entitling the holder to a formal certificate and dividends. ∎  such certificates collectively. ∎  (also scrip issue or div·i·dend) Finance an issue of additional shares to shareholders in proportion to the shares already held.2. (also land scrip) a certificate entitling the holder to acquire possession of certain portions of public land.3. hist. paper money in amounts of less than a dollar.scrip2 • n. hist. a small bag or pouch, typically one carried by a pilgrim, shepherd, or beggar.scrip3 • n. another term for script2 .


views updated May 17 2018

scrip1 wallet, satchel. XIII. Aphetic — OF. escrep(p)e purse, bag for alms, var. of éscherpe (mod. écharpe) or — ON. skreppa, which may itself be — of.; ult. Gmc. *skerpā (latinized as scerpa equipment).


views updated Jun 27 2018

scrip2 (orig.) receipt for the portion of a loan subscribed, (now) share certificate. XVIII. abbrev. of subscription (receipt).

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