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A divination device. Small pendulums are often used in dowsing, radiesthesia, and related divination systems instead of divining-rods. Questions can be put, and the clockwise or anticlockwise rotation of the pendulum gives an answer, rather like the raps in Spiritualist séances.

In earlier forms of pendulum divination, a wedding ring was suspended on a silk thread. Today, practitioners of radiesthesia obtain a number of subtle indications from the nature of the oscillations of the pendulum, which is used for water divining, discovery of metals, indications of health and medical remedies, and even discovery of missing persons.


Bird, Christopher. The Diving Hand: The 500 Year-Old Mystery of Dowsing. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1979.

De France, Henry. The Elements of Dowsing. London: G. Bell, 1971.

Hitching, Francis. Pendulum: The Psi Connection. London: Fontana, 1977.

Letbridge, T. C. The Power of the Pendulum. London: Rout-ledge & Kegan Paul, 1976.

Nielsen, Greg, and J. Polansky. Pendulum Power: A Mystery You Can See, a Power You Can Feel. New York: Destiny Books, 1977.

Wethered, V. D. A Radiesthetic Approach to Health and Homeopathy, or Health and the Pendulum. London: British Society of Dowsers, 1950.