Henge of Keltria

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Henge of Keltria

The Henge of Keltria is a Druid organization founded in 1987 by Tony and Sable Taylor, who had developed their Druid perspectives as members of ArnDraiocht Fein, the organization founded by Archdruid Isaac Bonewits. Bonewits had moved to develop a neo-Druidism that was not limited to Celtic traditions. The Taylors disagreed and their new work emphasized the Celtic ties with Druidic practice. The Taylors had first learned of Druidism from their readings, but met Bonewits in 1985.

The Henge members revere Mother Earth and seek to preserve and protect it. This reverence occurs within a context of the worship of the Celtic deities, the honoring of ancestors, and attunement with the spirits of nature. They practice Druidic arts and magick as a means of spiritual development.

Members are organized into small groups called groves. Within the larger framework of the Henge, they have a great deal of autonomy in creating their own rituals and pursuing their own magical work. Individuals progress in their work through three degrees termed rings (an analogy developed from tree rings). The three rings are named for the Birch, Yew, and Oak. Within the highest ring there are three tiers termed the Hawthorn, Rowan, and Mistletoe. Advancement is awarded based upon time spent, knowledge attained, and service rendered to the Henge (at either the local or national level). Both men and women are accepted into leadership at all levels.

The Henge of Keltria is headquartered at P.O. Box 48369, Minneapolis, MN 55448-0369, and its website is at http://www.keltria.org/. The group publishes a periodical, Henge Happenings.


Hopman, Ellen Evert, and Lawrence Bond. People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1996.